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23 November 2020 - 27 November 2020
Life Science Open Space Online Week 2020

Healthy Food

Monday 23.11, 15:00-17:00 PM
Watch direct streaming of this session on our YouTube Channel

Session leader: Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie

Session Keynote: 
dr hab. inż. Joanna Tkaczewska, prof. UR, Uniwersytet Rolniczy, "U progu kolejnego dziesięciolecia- aktywne hydrolizaty białkowe dodatkami przyszłości?"

Session presentations: 

  1. Roksana Rakoczy-Lelek, Intermag, "Molekularne podstawy stymulacji odporności roślin na choroby grzybowe"
  2. Ewelina Jamróz, Uniwersytet Rolniczy - "Biodegradable materials based on furcellaran wtih active and intelligent properties"
  3. Marzena Zając, Uniwersytet Rolniczy, "Eliminowanie azotynów z przetwórstwa mięsa: powody, metody i efekty"
  4. Piotr Kulawik, Uniwersystet Rolniczy, "Możliwość zastosowania nietermicznej plazmy do wydłużenia trwałości żywności"
  5. Marek Zdaniewicz, Uniwersytet Rolniczy, "Wyzwania branży piwowarskiej w obliczu zmieniających się trendów żywieniowych"
  6. Magdalena Wolska, FoodFakty, "Czy "zdrowa żywność" to to samo co "żywność ekologiczna"?"
  7. Robert Gosik, Uniwersytet Rolniczy Kraków, "Enhancing buttermilk with probiotics- a potentially new functional food?"
  8. Joanna Mrożek, Uniwersytet Rolniczy, "Niedoczynność tarczycy z Hashimoto istotny problem zdrowotny XXI wieku - rezultaty dietoterapii"
  9. Aleksandra Such, Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie, "Wpływ ekstraktów z sałaty biofortyfikowanej jodosalicylanami na indukcję procesu apoptozy w ludzkiej linii komórek nowotworowych żołądka AGS"

We pay more and more attention to food in the context of health and quality of life - we know that in order to survive, it is not enough to eat - you must consciously eat products that add energy and health as well as are produced in a way that does not destroy the environment. For this to be possible, knowledge and cooperation involving many fields of science, business and culture are needed.

"I am what I eat" - behind this thesis lies the entire value chain, from crops and farming to store shelves, home refrigerators, restaurants and new services.

Ensuring the sustainable development of agriculture and food production are one of the greatest challenges facing science and business, caused by the dynamic population growth, changes in the way and structure of food consumption and the still unsolved problem of hunger on the planet.

Maintaining balance in the long run must refer to four elements: ensuring the economy, meeting social needs, including care for health and quality of life, and care for the condition of the natural environment.

How to include all these elements in one product? What technologies allow us to safely increase the level of production and which ones to reduce the amount of losses in agricultural and food production? Will traditional methods be replaced or only supplemented with new production and processing possibilities? Can mass production be ecological and natural at the same time?

Session participants and those using the PARTNERING option will be able to:

  • present ideas, projects and solutions for the Healthy Food area,
  • present the needs and opportunities for cooperation in the development and implementation of innovative solutions;
  • present good practices, present your offer and establish valuable contacts with partners.

I want to submit a presentation (submission of a presentation abstract)

I will take part in all modules (full participant profile on the Conference platform)

I prefer not to create an account (simple registration to get links to webinars)

Closed since 27 November 2020
Organised by
Poland 207
Germany 17
United Kingdom 10
France 8
United States 4
Belgium 4
Switzerland 1
Romania 1
Netherlands 1
Italy 1
Luxembourg 1
India 1
Bulgaria 1
Israel 1
Portugal 1
Total 259
University 70
Small and Mid-size Enterprise (SMEs) 40
Other 34
Industry 32
StartUp 26
Non-Government Organization (NGO) 17
Cluster 16
R&D Institution 12
Authority/Government 7
Venture capital 5
Total 259
Profile views
Before event 1690
After event 481
Total 2171