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23 November 2020 - 27 November 2020
Life Science Open Space Online Week 2020


Thursday 26.11, 10:00-12:00 AM
Watch direct streaming of this session on our YouTube Channel

Session leader: Instytut Katalizy i Fizykochemii Powierzchni im. Jerzego Habera Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Session keynote:
Maciej Guzik, Instytut Katalizy i Fizykochemii Powierzchni im. Jerzego Habera Polskiej Akademii Nauk, "Biopolimery szansą dla gospodarkami - perspektywy zastosowań"

Session presentations:

  1. Tomasz Witko, Instytut Katalizy i Fizykochemii Powierzchni PAN im. Jerzego Habera, "Czy biopolimery mogą być bardziej zielone?"
  2. Gudrun Mernitz, WITENO GmbH / ScanBalt, "Become part of the ScanBalt Bioeconomy - lets implement great ideas"
  3. Agnieszka Bachórz, Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Małopolskiego, "The region’s innovative potential – BioMałopolska"
  4. Wanda Trzaskowska, Grzegorz Semerjak, ORLEN Południe S.A., "Transformacja ORLEN Południe S.A. w kierunu biorafinerii"
  5. Magdalena Wojnarowska, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, "Uciążliwość odorowa a biogospodarka"
  6. Szczepan Bednarz, Politechnika Krakowska, "Naturalne kwasy karboksylowe – surowce chemiczne o nieodkrytym potencjale"
  7. Kacper Mielczarek, Politechnika Krakowska, "Rozpuszczalniki głęboko eutektyczne w zielonej chemii"
  8. Maciej Sobczyk, AGH University of Science and Technology, "Industrial bio-based materials for a waste-free, sustainable future"

      The bioeconomy is the use of renewable biological resources and the conversion of these raw materials, their residues, by-products and waste streams into added-value products such as food, feed and bio-based products, services and energy.

      Today, we already know that bio-management is not yet another fashionable topic of talks between ambitious scientists. It is a necessity without which the world economy will not be able to develop in the future - the problem concerns both, access to raw materials and the deteriorating condition of the environment and consequently, the quality of life on Earth.

      We also know that the bioeconomy should be developed in the context of the principles of the circular economy, consisting in the efficient use of natural resources, biodegradability and intelligent consumption, the use of innovation and changes in lifestyle and diet. Preserving, or rather recovering the environment for humans, requires many paradigms to change. Experience shows, however, that awareness of the needs in this area is very low, although progress should also be noted in this area.

      It is hard to find an area today that would open up opportunities for beneficial cooperation for so many people and institutions more than a circular bioeconomy. It is worth positioning yourself in the right place in the value chain, which by definition, is endless.

      The session is dedicated to cooperation in projects implemented or planned by a group of scientific and business institutions.

      Session participants and those using the PARTNERING option will be able to:

      • present ideas, projects and solutions in the area of Bioeconomy,
      • present the needs and opportunities for cooperation in the development and implementation of innovative solutions;
      • present good practices,
      • present your offer and establish valuable contacts with partners.

      I want to submit a presentation (submission of a presentation abstract)

      I will take part in all modules (full participant profile on the Conference platform)

      I prefer not to create an account (simple registration to get links to webinars)

      Closed since 27 November 2020
      Organised by
      Poland 207
      Germany 17
      United Kingdom 10
      France 8
      United States 4
      Belgium 4
      Switzerland 1
      Romania 1
      Netherlands 1
      Italy 1
      Luxembourg 1
      India 1
      Bulgaria 1
      Israel 1
      Portugal 1
      Total 259
      University 70
      Small and Mid-size Enterprise (SMEs) 40
      Other 34
      Industry 32
      StartUp 26
      Non-Government Organization (NGO) 17
      Cluster 16
      R&D Institution 12
      Authority/Government 7
      Venture capital 5
      Total 259
      Profile views
      Before event 1690
      After event 481
      Total 2171